Just Jakarta...

Published on 2 October 2018 at 05:02

Like I promised you guys I wouldn't let you wait too long this time for my adventure with you know what FOOD!

So it all started on Facebook, when my friend tagged me in a post that a restaurant had lunch deals. I saw it and I went to bed with this post lol.

The next morning when I arrived at the office the first thing I did was mention the post to my colleagues, they even asked me to tag them in it. It came as no surprise when my colleagues asked me if I would like to join them to lunch at that restaurant. We talked about the food we would like to eat and at what time we would go there. One of my colleagues called to make a reservation for 13:00 hour and they confirmed. They did tell us that they serve lunch till 15:00 hours and that we should keep that in mind.

About 12:45 pm we left office together in one car to the restaurant. Upon our arrival the parking lot was full, so we thought the food must be good and everybody is interested in the deals they have. We parked eventually and walked to the restaurant. There was a friendly girl that welcomed us and lead us to our table. We had a table near a window with a view on the streets and we started to look around. It''s a very laid back restaurant, but a bit on the dark side (not much lighting). They have done their best to decorate the restaurant in the patterns of an Indonesian restaurant in Java. The details of the interior of the restaurant are quite exotic. From the outside the building looks just like a house that has been remodeled from the inside only. While we were sitting a lady came to us to ask us what we would like to drink, we ordered our drinks ( I took a fruit punch, the second one took a dawet and the third one a passion fruit juice) and told her that we are ready to order lunch. She asked us what we would like to have and we told her. My colleague  and I took the saoto soup with egg and the other one took the spicy chicken wings with cassava fries. The saoto tasted great (it had the right amount of ingredients and the soup had just the right temperature to drink/eat it. I almost forgot we ordered a side dish and that was bakabana ( fried bananas in a flour sauce eaten with a peanut sauce). I even had a chicken wing and a fried cassava from my colleague and I have to admit it tasted great.

So I post my pictures for you guys to see what we had for lunch that day at JAKARTA the taste of JAVA Restaurant.

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